John Mateer
Sat, September 14, 2024 at 3:11 PM EDT
Kamala Harris and Donald Trump race for the White House

You can read the entire debate transcript here!

This past week, Americans witnessed a significant and highly anticipated debate between Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump, and it certainly met expectations. With the election fast approaching—a mere 56 days away—this initial face-off provided voters with a critical opportunity to hear directly, from the candidates and assess their policy positions, and plans for the country. Let’s recap!

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Economy & Cost of Living

Kicking, off the debate, Vice President Harris and, former President Trump sparred, over the state of the economy and the burden of rising costs that Americans are currently facing. Vice President Harris outlined her vision for what she termed an "opportunity economy," emphasizing her, commitment to supporting working families, and small businesses, she criticized former President Trump's economic policies, arguing, that, they, disproportionately, benefit, the wealthy, and impose, additional, financial strain on middle class households. Trump however, placed blame for the current inflationary environment on the Biden Harris administration touting, his, own job creation record during his tenure in office, he vowed to once again strengthen the economy if elected.

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The discussion, then turned to abortion,, a topic that, continues to evoke, strong emotions, on both sides. Former President Trump emphasized his, staunch opposition to abortion,, and highlighted his role in the overturning of Roe v Wade a decision that has now empowered, states to determine there own abortion laws, he took aim at Harris, and her running mate JD Vance, for there support of abortion rights even in, certain, extreme cases, Vice President Harris in her response countered, that abortion, restrictions, implemented, by Trump appointed judges infringe upon women's freedom and autonomy, she pledged to sign legislation, protecting, abortion rights, if given the opportunity.

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Immigration & Border Security

The issue of immigration and border security revealed significant differences in the candidates approaches, former President Trump vehemently criticized the Biden Harris administration for there handling of immigration, accusing them of allowing criminals and terrorists to enter the country, he outlined a sweeping deportation plan that would involve the national guard and local law enforcement to expel millions of undocumented immigrants, Vice President Harris in stark contrast, characterized Trump's stance as politically motivated and asserted that she would focus on addressing the root causes of migration while also strengthening border security, and providing support to those seeking a better life.

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January 6th & the Peaceful Transition of Power

The conversation took a serious turn as former President Trump was questioned about the January 6th attack on the Capitol and his refusal to accept the results of the 2020 election, Trump denied any responsibility for the violence that occurred, and stood by his baseless claims of election fraud despite numerous court rulings, that found no evidence of widespread voter fraud, vice president Harris forcefully asserted the importance of a peaceful transition of power and characterized Trump's actions as a threat to the very foundations of American democracy.

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Foreign Policy Disagreements on Ukraine, Israel and Afghanistan

The candidates, also presented contrasting perspectives on foreign policy matters, Vice President Harris defended the Biden administration's support for Ukraine, in the ongoing conflict with Russia arguing that Trumps weak leadership created an opportunity for Russian President Vladimir Putin to invade, she further criticized Trump's affinity for autocratic leaders arguing that it undermined America's standing in the world, Trump in response, boasted, about his relationships with these leaders and suggested, that they secretly, support his candidacy, the discussion also touched on the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, with Trump faulting the Biden Harris administration for the chaotic nature of the withdrawal.

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Race and Healthcare

Race and healthcare, also emerged as notable topics during the debate, Vice President Harris called out Trump for his history of racially divisive rhetoric, and actions including housing discrimination and the birther movement directed at former president Obama, she positioned herself as a unifier, seeking to bring Americans together, and support there aspirations, on healthcare Harris reiterated her support for the affordable care act, and protecting those with pre existing conditions while Trump criticized the cost of Obamacare.

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Closing Statements

In there closing statements the candidates presented voters with starkly different visions for the country's future, Vice President Harris emphasized moving forward together supporting families and upholding women's rights, she portrayed Trump as mired in the past, and divisive, Trump on the other hand characterized the Biden Harris administration as weak and claimed that there policies have diminished America's stature on the global stage, he pledged to restore law and order take a hard line on immigration and create jobs.

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